Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It is a great pleasure and honor to welcome you to the Annual Meeting of the European Society of Emergency Radiology in Rome, Italy, being held from September 22-23, 2022.
These two years of pandemic have put a strain on our lives and our work but they have also taught us how we must be ready to face any kind of emergency. Emergency Radiology is at the heart of this challenge and our first in-person meeting since 2019 aims to offer the opportunity to catch up on hot topics in Emergency Radiology and on the most recent technological innovations in Emergency Imaging.
Furthermore, for the first time we will have the opportunity to meet with colleagues from the American Society of Emergency Radiology, in the joint session ESER meets ASER in order to share experiences.
The scientific programme will include educational lectures, interactive quiz cases, workshops that will count towards the European Diploma of Emergency Radiology (EDER), scientific presentations, educational exhibits and case report presentations that will be selected through a peer review of abstracts.
The venue of the event is the Pontifical Urbaniana University, in an historic building within the Vatican City, in one of the most fascinating areas of Rome.
We look forward to providing you an unforgettable stay in the “Eternal City” and have no doubts you will leave having gained valuable radiological experience, new friends and great memories.
Vi aspetto a Roma.
Sincerely yours
Raffaella Basilico
ESER President
Anjali Agrawal (New Dehli, India)
Raffaella Basilico (Chieti, Italy)
Ferco Berger (Toronto, Canada)
Ana Blanco Barrio (Murcia, Spain)
Cem Calli (Izmir, Turkey)
Juan Calvo Blanco (Oviedo, Spain)
Carlo Catalano (Rome, Italy)
Dinesh Chinchure (Singapore, Asia)
Suzanne Chong (Indianapolis, USA)
Roberta Cianci (Chieti, Italy)
Marcela de la Hoz Polo (London, UK)
Elizabeth Dick (London, UK)
Marco Di Serafino (Naples, Italy)
Jorge El Khatib Nunez (Madrid, Spain)
Mehmet Erturk (Istanbul, Turkey)
Benedetta Gui (Rome, Italy)
Idil Gunes Tatar (Brussels, Belgium)
Merel Huisman (Nijmegen, Netherlands)
Francesca Iacobellis (Naples, Italy)
Roberto Iezzi (Rome, Italy)
Andrea Laghi (Rome, Italy)
Anna Rita Larici (Rome, Italy)
Ulrich Linsenmaier (Munich, Germany)
Francesco Macrì (Geneve, Switzerland)
Milagros Marti de Gracia (Madrid, Spain)
Carlo Martinoli (Genoa, Italy)
Cristopher McLeavy (Liverpool, UK)
Vittorio Miele (Florence, Italy)
Mario Muto (Naples, Italy)
Luigi Natale (Rome, Italy)
Koenraad Hans Nieboer (Brussels, Belgium)
Jamlik-Omari-Johnson (Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
Luca Pascucci (Chieti, Italy)
Michael Patlas (Hamilton, Canada)
Alexandra Platon (Geneve, Switzerland)
Paolo Ricci (Rome, Italy)
Mariano Scaglione (Sassari, Italy)
Barbara Seccia (Chieti, Italy)
Ramdas Senasi (Hull, UK)
Mariasavina Severino (Genoa, Italy)
Daniele Veri (Chieti, Italy)
Stefan Wirth (Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany)
<strong>Call For Abstract</strong>
Presenters of accepted abstracts must register for the ESER Rome 2022 Meeting.
All abstract must be submitted on the congress website, via the following link:
Abstract Submission Deadline: August 28, 2022
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: September 2, 2022
Scientific Reports
- The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
- The structure of the abstracts should include an introduction, methods, results and key conclusions.
- The title of the abstract should be printed in initial capital letters followed by lower case.
- Abbreviations should be defined by being placed in parentheses immediately after the full word or phrase has been typed for the first time.
- 1-2 figures can be included
Educational Exhibit
- The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
- The structure of the abstracts should include a background, three learning objectives and key conclusions.
- The title of the abstract should be printed in initial capital letters followed by lower case.
- Abbreviations should be defined by being placed in parentheses immediately after the full word or phrase has been typed for the first time.
- 1-2 figures can be included
Case Report
- The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
- The structure of the abstracts should include a case presentation, discussion and conclusion.
- The title of the abstract should be printed in initial capital letters followed by lower case.
- Abbreviations should be defined by being placed in parentheses immediately after the full word or phrase has been typed for the first time.
- 1-4 figures can be included
We are happy to announce that a series of workshops will be offered on occasion of the ESER Annual Scientific Meeting 2022 and that they will court towards the European Diploma in Emergency Radiology (EDER)
Each workshop will take approx. 60 min. and is limited to a maximum number of 40 participants.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Participation requires active and paid congress registration.
In addition, you must reserve your place (maximum two workshops).
The workshop programme and registration links will be provided shortly
<strong>CME Accreditation</strong>
The ESER Annual Scientific Meeting 2022, Rome, Italy, 22/09/2022/-23/09/2022 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 11 European CME credits (ECMEC®s).
Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be found at
How to Transfer CME Credits and Apply for the AMA PRA Award | AMA Ed Hub | Ed Hub (ama-assn.org)
How to reach the congress venue
From Termini Station to Pontificia Università Urbaniana via Urbano VIII n 16 Rome
By Bus 64 and Bus n98
From Roma Termini railway station get off at Lgt Sassia/S. Spirito
From Lgt Sassia/S.Spirito continue walking for about 5 min (450 metres)
From Fiumicino and Ciampino international airports to Pontificia Università Urbaniana via Urbano VIII n 16 Roma
By bus
From Rome Fiumicino Airport Bus Station or Ciampino Airport Bus Station get off at Roma Termini and then take Bus 64 and Bus n98 and get off at Lgt Sassia/S. Spirito
From the Lgt Sassia/S.Spirito continue walking for about 5 min (450 metres)
The Organising Secretariat has arranged an agreement with an NCC (Car rental with driver) service at a fixed rate for the following routes
Roma Termini railway station/conference venue (distance 3.8 km) one-way prices:
- Sedan (max 2/3 pax) € 30.00 + VAT 10%.
- Van (max 8 pax) € 45,00 + VAT 10%.
Rome Fiumicino Airport/Congress Venue (distance 33,3 Km) one-way prices:
- Sedan (max 2/3 pax) € 50,00 + VAT 10%.
- Van (max 8 pax) € 60,00 + VAT 10%.
Ciampino Airport/Congress venue (distance 16.9 km) one-way prices:
- Sedan (max 2/3 pax) € 45,00 + VAT 10%.
- Van (max 8 pax) € 60,00 + VAT 10%.
For those wishing to book at the above rates, please send an email to:
info@rometransfersagency.com or Phone: +39 3393855056
The information to be sent to the transfer service is
reference name and telephone number, number of persons
date and time of arrival or departure of the train and/or date
arrival or departure flight time and number
Meeting POINT NCC (Car rental with driver)
Termini Station: Via Marsala 22 in front of the Hotel Best Western Royal Santina
Fiumicino Airport: Arrivals Terminal 3, exit door Arrivals Terminal 1, exit door 3
Ciampino Airport: Arrivals after the baggage claim area
Registration Fees
All registration fees are VAT included
Regular Ticket Non Member | € 400,00 |
Regular Ticket Member | € 300,00 |
Resident/Junior Non Member | € 230,00 |
Resident/Junior Member | € 170,00 |
Allied Science Non Member | € 230,00 |
Allied Science Member | € 170,00 |
Student | € 100,00 |
Reduced member registration is available to all active ESER 2022 members in good standing.
Reduced resident/junior registration will be offered to residents and juniors (young radiologists in training). Residents/juniors have to send or email a letter, written on official hospital letter paper and signed by the head of department, confirming their status as such within 5 working days after online registration. In case this confirmation is not received, the registration fee will automatically be adjusted to a regular fee. The age limit for a registration as resident/junior is set at 35 years (incl. the age of 35).
Registration categorised as allied science is limited in general to nurses, technologists, technicians and physicists without any academic title. Nurses, technologists, technicians and physicists have to send or email a letter, written on official hospital letter paper and signed by the head of department, confirming their status as such within 5 working days after completed online registration. In case this confirmation is not received, the registration fee will automatically be adjusted to a regular fee.
Student registration will be offered to students without any academic title. Students have to send or email a copy of their valid student picture ID together with a copy of their valid identification document within 5 working days after online registration. In case these documents are not received, the registration fee will automatically be adjusted to a regular fee.
A cancellation will not result in a refund of paid registration fee.
See Programme
On line Registration